Parfümler ve Hazırlıkaları
( KDV Dahil )
Orjinal Adı : Perfumes and Their Preparation Containing complete directions for making handkerchief perfumes, smelling-salts, sachets, fumigating pastils; preparations for the care of the skin, the mouth, the hair; cosmetics, hair dyes, and other toilet articles
Türkçe Adı : Parfümler ve Hazırlıkaları
Konusu ( İngilizce ) : Cosmetics
Konusu ( Türkçe ) : Kozmetik
Yazarı : George William AskinsonKitabı Ücretsiz Oku
Orjinal Adı : Perfumes and Their Preparation Containing complete directions for making handkerchief perfumes, smelling-salts, sachets, fumigating pastils; preparations for the care of the skin, the mouth, the hair; cosmetics, hair dyes, and other toilet articles
Türkçe Adı : Parfümler ve Hazırlıkaları
Konusu ( İngilizce ) : Cosmetics
Konusu ( Türkçe ) : Kozmetik
Yazarı : George William Askinson
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