James Justinian Morier Kitapları
James Justinian Morier A Journey through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor, to Constantinople, in the Years 1808 and 1809 In Which is Included, Some Account of the Proceedings of His Majesty's Mission, under Sir Harford Jones, Bart. K. C. to the Court of Persia Bir Gezinti Persia, Ermenistan ve Anadolu üzerinden, 1808 ve 1809 yıllarında Constantinople'a, Sir Harford Jones, Bart. K.C.'nin Persia Sarayı'na Yapılan Kraliyet Görevi Hakkında Bazı Bilgilerin de Dahil Olduğu Kitap -
The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan
James Justinian Morier
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