If thou art borrowed by a friend,
Right welcome shall he be
To read, to study,—not to lend,
But to return to me.
Not that imparted knowledge doth
Diminish learning's store,
But books, I find, when often lent,
Return to me no more.
Would readers all this rule obey,
For good requite not ill,
These hints need not be penn'd that they
Its dictates should fulfill.
Read slowly,—pause frequently,—
Think seriously.—
Keep cleanly,—return duly,
With the corner of the leaves not turn'd down.
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VOYAGE OF THE PAPER CANOE: A GeographicalJourney of Twenty-five Hundred Miles from Quebec tothe Gulf of Mexico. With numerous Illustrations andMaps, specially prepared for this work Crown 8vo.$2.50.
A THOUSAND MILES' WALK across South America,over the Pampas and the Andes. Illustrated. A newedition. In press.
LEE AND SHEPARD, Publishers, Boston.