It was the month of Jaishta (May-June) in Bengal, and theearth languished under the scorching rays of the sun and sent up avoiceless prayer to the Rain God to come soon and refresh the fieldsand jungles with the welcome “barsat” (rainyseason).
Yet, in spite of the intense heat, a young and delicately nurturedBengali lady was travelling. She was on her way to pay a visit to herparents-in-law, for after marriage the bride returns to herchildhood’s home and remains there, paying visits from time totime to her husband’s home until the day comes when she goes tolive there.
It is a Bengali custom that ladies, especially young ladies, mustalways wear their jewellery, even when travelling. Arms, wrists, neckand ankles, bare of jewels, are a sign of widowhood or dire poverty.Out young heroine was accordingly adorned with jewels and she was alsorichly attired. Was she not the daughter of a wealthy man and going tovisit her mother-in-law? So her mother had lovingly dressed her in anexquisite gold-embroidered [2]Benares silk sareeof finest texture and superb workm