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What follows makes no pretense whatever ofbeing a scientific work on Greece, from anarchæological or other standpoint. That it is writtenat all is the resultant of several forces, chief amongwhich are the consciousness that no book hithertopublished, so far as I am aware, has covered quite thesame ground, and the feeling, based on the experienceof myself and others, that some such book oughtto be available.
By way of explanation and apology, I am forced toadmit, even to myself, that what I have written, especiallyin the opening chapters, is liable to the occasionalcharge that it has a guide-bookish sound, despitean honest and persistent effort to avoid the same.In the sincere desire to show how easy it really is tovisit Hellas, and in the ardent hope of making a fewof the rough places smooth for first visitors, I havedoubtless been needlessly prolix and explicit at theoutset, notably in dealing with a number of sordid detailsand directions. Moreover, to deal in so small acompass with so vast a subject as that of ancient andmodern Athens is a task fraught with many difficulties.One certainly cannot in such a book as this ignoreAthe