This little collection of Legends and Fairy Tales is intended merely asan introduction to general French reading. The stories have been told assimply as possible, with infinite repetition of the same words andidioms to enable the pupil to obtain a good vocabulary almostunconsciously. They have also been narrated as graphically aspracticable to arouse an interest in the plot, to stimulate curiosity,and thereby induce the pupil to read to the end.
With the exception of the first tale of the series, for which I havepurposely selected the common nursery story, "The Three Bears," I havecarefully avoided the tales which are most familiar, or have given themin some unusual version, so that only by knowing the meaning of thewords the sense of the story can be obtained.
This method has been used with most gratifying results with pupils ofall ages either with or without the accompaniment of a grammar, and itis very gradual, to facilitate rapid progress in the language.
Of course, the results to be achieved d