A man never should kneel unless sure ofrising a conquerorA defensive attitude is never agreeableto a manBad to fear the opinion of people onedespisesBelieving that it is for virtue's sakealone such men love themCamors refused, hesitated, madeobjections, and consentedConfounding progress with discord,liberty with licenseContempt for men is the beginning ofwisdomCried out, with the blunt candor of hisageDangers of liberty outweighed itsbenefitsDemanded of him imperatively--the timeof dayDetermined to cultivate ability ratherthan scrupulousnessDisenchantment which follows possessionDo not get angry. Rarely laugh, andnever weepEvery one is the best judge of his ownaffairsEvery road leads to Rome--and one assurely as anotherEvery cause that is in antagonism withits age commits suicideGod--or no principles!Have not that pleasure, it is uselessto incur the penaltiesHe is charming, for one always feels indanger near himInconstancy of heart is the specialattribute of manIntemperance of her zeal and theacrimony of her bigotryKnew her danger, and, unlike most ofthem, she did not love itMan, if he will it, need not grow old:the lion mustNever can make revolutions with glovesonOnce an excellent remedy, is adetestable regimenOne of those pious persons who alwaysthink evilPleasures of an independent code ofmoralsPolice regulations known as religionPrinciples alone, without faith in somehigher sanctionProperty of all who are strong enoughto stand itPut herself on good terms with God, incase He should existSemel insanivimus omnes.' (every onehas his madness)Slip forth from the common herd, myson, think for yourselfSuspicion that he is a feeble humancreature after all!There will be no more belief in Christthan in JupiterTies that become duties where we onlysought pleasuresTruth is easily found. I shall readall the newspapersTwo persons who desired neither toremember nor to forgetWhether in this world one must be afanatic or nothingWhole world of politics and religionrushed to extremesWith the habit of thinking, had notlost the habit of laughingYou can not make an omelette withoutfirst breaking the eggs |
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