Copyright 1920
by the
University of Minnesota
The author of the study which follows responded to thelure of his task for both theoretical and practical reasons. He seemed,because of his intimate personal relationship to Armenian life, to bepeculiarly qualified to study and interpret a cross-section of thatcountry’s life. It is particularly urgent that we as Americanshave authentic studies of Armenia and Armenian social life. Heretoforethere has been a striking lack of such materials readily accessible inEnglish. Because of the not inconsiderable immigration which reaches usfrom Armenia, and because also there has been a call for the UnitedStates to act as mandatory for this country under the peace treaty, weshould penetrate more deeply into the Armenian heart than we have beenable to do so far, if we are to carry through successfully our jobeither as assimilator or as friendly guardian. Moreover there isincumbent upon the United States in particular the duty ofunderstanding a country like Armenia, since we have been foremost inproclaiming the doctrine of the rights of small nationalities. Thoseare the practical purposes from the standpoint of social politics whichhave given rise to and confer full warrant upon this study.
Of no less importance, however, is the contribution which Mr.Boettiger’s study makes to theoretical sociology. He has sketchedout for us the picture of a refractory culture which refuses toamalgamate with or yield to or be permeated by rival cultures. Thesocial history of this sturdy people offers us a very clear-cut exampleof what really makes a society or a nation. Not mountains, notdynasties, not blood, but common interests, common traditions, commonbeliefs; in short, mental community.
The theoretical joins with the practical service of this study if itcan strengthen our understanding that only as our own blood and that ofour Armenian friends reach the place where they boil at the sametemperature, or are cooled by the same application of reason, can weminister to each other or carry out the new partnership which may lieimmediately ahead of us in the reëstablishment of peace and thereorganization of world comity.