Designed for the Instruction and Encouragement of Young Latter-DaySaints.

Juvenile Instructor Office, Salt Lake City, 1882.

Copyright applied for at the Office of the Librarian of Congress, atWashington, D. C., by G. C. Lambert.


Many deaths have occurred within the last few years among the veteranmembers of our Church. Numbers of persons have recently passed awaywho were connected with the Church during the early years of itsexistence, and whose lives were filled with scenes and incidents ofthe most interesting nature. Their wonderful experience so far asknown is appreciated by their intimate friends, in whose memories itis embalmed, but it will hereafter only be known as tradition, for, asa rule, they have left no written testimony or record of their livesto show to future generations what they have seen or passed through.We have scarcely ever heard of the death of such a person without afeeling of regret that the important scenes of which he was a witnesswhile living were not better known, and that a definite and accurateaccount of them had not been written before his death.

A short time since we conceived the idea of publishing a volume of the"Faith-Promoting Series," entitled EARLY SCENES IN CHURCH HISTORY, tobe made up of such incidents of appropriate nature as we could obtainfrom early members of the Church.

Of course we were aware that a single volume of the size contemplatedcould not describe a tithe of the interesting scenes of afaith-promoting nature with which the early history of the Churchabounded, but not until we had started the compilation did we realizeto the full extent the vastness of the field which we had entered upon.We gathered the incidents contained in the present volume at random(mostly from verbal narratives), compiled them very hastily, with toolittle regard perhaps for variety, and feel that we have hardly made acommencement at recounting the early scenes of which a record should beperpetuated.

In compiling this volume no effort has been made at selecting scenesof a marvelous or sensational character; the aim has rather been tomention such incidents as would tend to show how the power of God wasmanifested in behalf of the Saints in those early days, and therebypromote faith among the young, for whose benefit this Series ispublished. Nor is it to be supposed that such scenes as are hereindescribed have been confined to any particular period of our Church'shistory. As wonderful incidents of special providence could be relatedof the present age as of that which is past. The power of God is asmanifest now in shaping the destiny of His Saints, in preserving theirlives and in answering their prayers as it ever has been. The faithfulnever had greater cause to rejoice nor the wicked to tremble than theyhave at the present time. That the perusal of this volume may causethose into whose hands it may come to be more faithful and devoted tothe cause of God, is the earnest desire of




My Sister's Hip Broken—No Hopes of Ever Being Able to Walk—OurFamily Embrace the Gospel—Scoffers Demand as a Sign that my Sisterbe Healed—Elder Brackinbury's Designs—Caught in the Act of Robbingthe Grave—My Brother's Death—My Sister Healed-The Healing Fails toConvince the Unbelievers.



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