[title page]
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1879, by the
american baptist publication society,
In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.
Published February, 1904
[p. 3]
[p. 5]
The nature and duties of the pastoral office form asubject of great practical moment. The thoughts suggestedin this volume are largely results of the writer’spersonal experience in the ministry and of his observationof pastoral work in our churches. The literatureof the subject, however, has of late become speciallyrich and valuable, and the hints which a careful studyof this furnishes have also been freely used. The experiencedpastor, for whom some of these suggestions willbe needless, will remember that they were originallyembodied in lectures delivered to the classes in theHamilton Theological Seminary, and prepared for youngmen who, for the most part, were as yet inexperiencedin the pastoral care.
With the earnest prayer and hope that the work mayreceive the approval of the Master and may contributein some humble measure, to the higher effectiveness ofthe Gospel ministry, it is now submitted to the Christianpublic.
H. H.
Theological Seminary, Hamilton, N. Y.,
Oct. 30, 1879.
[p. 7]
The Divine Call to the Ministry
Proofs of the necessity of a Divine call; Modes in which thiscall is manifested: 1. The internal call; 2. The call of thechurch; 3. The call of Providence.
Settlement in the Ministry
1. Choice of a field; 2. Obligations assumed in becoming a pastor;3. Ordination.
Public Worship
Objects to be sought: Unity of thought; Sustained interest; Religiousimpression.
1. Pulpit Decorum. 2. The Service of Song: Sympathy of pastorwith choir; Selection of hymns; Devotional singing.3. Reading of the Scriptures: (1.) The selection; (2.) Thereading; (3.) Comments. 4. Public Prayer: (1.) The form;(2.) The matter; (3.) The order; (4.) The manner. 5. Preaching.[p. 8] BU KİTABI OKUMAK İÇİN ÜYE OLUN VEYA GİRİŞ YAPIN!
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