Alexander Gordon, Esq.
This little work
Is respectfully inscribed
By the Author.
The professional life of Mr. West constitutes an important part of anhistorical work, in which the matter of this volume could only have beenintroduced as an episode, and, perhaps, not with much propriety even inthat form. It was my intention, at one time, to have prepared the whole ofhis memoirs, separately, for publication; but a careful review of themanuscript convinced me, that the transactions in which he has beenengaged, subsequently to his arrival in England, are so much of a publicnature, and belong so immediately to the history of the Arts, that such aseparation could not be effected without essentially impairing theinterest and unity of the main design; and that the particular nature ofthis portion of his memoirs admitted of being easily detached and arrangedinto a whole, complete within itself.
I do not think that there can be two opinions with respect to the utilityof a work of this kind. Mr. West, in relating the circumstances by whichhe was led to approximate, without the aid of an instructor, to thoseprinciples and rules of art, which it is the object of schools andacademies to disseminate, has conferred a greater benefit on young Artiststhan he could possibly have done by the most ingenious and eloquentlectures on the theories of his profession; and it was necessary that thenarrative should appear in his own time, in order that the authenticity ofthe incidents might not rest on the authority of any biographer.
April 25,1816.
John Galt.
The Birth and Paternal Ancestry of Mr. West.--His Maternal Family.--His Father.--The Origin of the Abolition of Slavery by the Quakers.--The Progress of the Abolition.--The Education of the Negroes.--The Preaching of Edmund Peckover.--His Admonitory Prediction to the Father of West.--The first Indication of Benjamin's Genius.--State of Society in Pennsylvania.--The Indians give West the Primary Colours.--The Artist's first Pencils.--The Present of a Box of Colours and Engravings.--His first Painting.
The Artist visits Philadelphia.--His second Picture.--Williams the Painter gives him the works of Fresnoy and Richardson.--Anecdote of the Taylor's Apprentice.--The Drawings of the Schoolboys.--Anecdote relative to Wayne.--Anecdote relative to Mr. Flower.--Anecdote relative to Mr. Ross.--Anecdote of Mr. Henry.--The Artist's first Historical Picture.--Origin of his Acquaintance with Dr. Smith of Philadelphia.--The friendship of Dr. Smith, and the character of the early companions of West.--Anecdote of General Washington.
The course of instruction adopted by Provost Smith.--The Artist led to the discovery of the Camera.--His Father becomes anxious to place him in business.--Extraordinary proceedings of the Quakers in consequence.--The Speech of Williamson the Preacher in defence of the Fine Arts.--Magnanimous Resolution of the Quakers.--Reflections on this singular transaction.