Christmas Speakin’ at Skaggs’s Skule



These songs can be used in all manner of entertainments. Themusic is easy and both music and words are especially catchy. Childrenlike them. Everybody likes them. Sheet music. Price, 35 cents each.

HERE’S TO THE LAND OF THE STARS AND THE STRIPES.(Bugbee-Worrell.) A patriotic song which every child should know andlove. The sentiment is elevating. The music is martial and inspiring.May be effectively sung by the entire school. Suitable for any occasionand may be sung by children or grown-ups. Be the first to use thissong in your community.

I’LL NEVER PLAY WITH YOU AGAIN. (Guptill-Weaver.) Aquarrel between a small boy and girl. The words are defiant and pert.The boy and his dog have been in mischief, and the small maiden poutinglydeclares that she will never play with him again, but changes hermind in the last verse. A taking little duet for any occasion, with fulldirections for motions.

JOLLY FARMER LADS AND LASSIES. (Irish-Lyman.) A decidedlyhumorous action song prepared especially for district schools.It will make a hit wherever produced.

JOLLY PICKANINNIES. (Worrell.) Introduce this coon songinto your next entertainment. If you use the directions for the motionswhich accompany the music, the pickaninnies will bring down thehouse. Their black faces and shining eyes will guarantee a “hit.” Thewords are great and the music just right.

LULLABY LANE. (Worrell.) This song is one which the children,once having learned, will never forget. The words have the charmof the verses written by Robert Louis Stevenson. The music is equallysweet and is perfectly suited to the beautiful words. It may be sungas a solo by a little girl with a chorus of other little girls with dolls, oras a closing song by the whole school.

MY OWN AMERICA, I LOVE BUT THEE. (Worrell.) Hereis a song that will arouse patriotism in the heart of every one whohears it. The music is so catchy that the children and grown-ups, too,just can’t resist it. It makes a capital marching song.

NOW, AREN’T YOU GLAD YOU CAME? (Guptill-Weaver.)This is a closing song which is quite out of the ordinary. There ishumor in every line. The music is lively. Your audience will notsoon forget this spicy song for it will get many an unexpected laugh.The motions which accompany this song make it doubly effective. Forany occasion and for any number of children.

WE ARE CREEPY LITTLE SCARECROWS. (Guptill-Weaver.)A weird, fascinating action song. You can’t go wrong with this song.There are four verses and chorus. Complete directions accompany thissong so that it may be featured as a song and drill, if desired. For anyoccasion and for any number of children.

WE’VE JUST ARRIVED FROM BASHFUL TOWN. (Worrell.)This song will bring memories to the listeners of their own bashfulschool days. They will recall just how “scared” they were when askedto sing or play or speak. The words are unusually clever. The musicis decidedly melodious. It makes a capital welcome song or it may besung at any time on any program with assured success.

WE HOPE YOU’VE BROUGHT YOUR SMILES ALONG. (Worrell.)A welcome song that will at once put the audience in a joyousframe of mind and create a happy impression that will mean half thesuccess of your entire program. Words, bright and inspiring. Music,catchy. A sure hit for your entertainment.

WE’LL NOW HAVE TO SAY GOOD-BYE. (Worrell.) Thisbeautiful song has snap and go that will appeal alike to visito



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