This etext was prepared by Nigel Lacey, Leicestershire, UK.
Transcriber's Notes:
I have used the UK pound symbol (£) in thise-text as it appears in the original. [Itlooks like an L with a crossbar.] I amuncertain whether this symbol will besupported on all systems and fonts that thistext file ends being viewed with. My apologiesif this applies to you.
I have endeavoured to retain the original tableformatting, rather than to reformat the tablesin alignment with the text. However, as severalof the tables were in landscape orientation inthe original, this has necessarily resulted insome very long lines in the tables (up to 130characters in some cases).
Finally, as I checked the transcription processcertain errors in the tables came to light.Rather than correct these errors, as they arean integral part of the original, the ones thatI noted are marked with underscores (_). [Notethat underscores are also used to mark italicisedpassages in the original text.]
Everybody's Guide
Money Matters
With a description of the various invest-ments chiefly dealt in on the stockexchange, and the mode ofdealing therein
Some account of the pitfalls prepared for the unwary,and suggestions to the cautious investor.
William Cotton, F.S.A.
Late treasurer of the county of Devon,
author of "An Elizabethan Guild," "Gleanings from Records,"
"The Bank Manager," etc.
Originator of the postal order system.
London 1898.
THE Author, emboldened by a Banking expe-rience of over forty years, offers this little workto the public in the hope that, elementary thoughit be, it may prove acceptable to many personsof both sexes.
The work has been prepared chiefly for theuse of women, a vast proportion of whom arebrought up in utter ignorance of money mattersin the simplest form, though otherwise they maybe highly accomplished.
The subject, it must be allowed, is not a fasci-nating one, but there are periods in the lives ofmost persons when some knowledge of moneymatters may be useful and even necessary.
CHAP. I. - What is Money? - What to do with it - How to
open a Bank Account - How to draw Cheques . . . 1
CHAP. II. - How to Deposit Money at Interest - The Bank
Pass Book - The Advantages of a Bank Account . 13
CHAP. III. - London Banks and Banking - Bill of Exchange -
Deposits - Scotch and Irish Banks . . . . . . . 20
CHAP. IV. - Investments - What are Securities - Mortgages
- The Funds - The National Debt - Stocks and Shares -
Dividends, how Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
CHAP. V. - British Government Funds - The Different Debts
- Terminable Annuities - Loans Guaranteed by Govern-
ment - Dividends, how to Receive them - Automatic Re-
investment of Dividends . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
CHAP. VI. - Government Annuities, how to Purchase - When
Payable - Tables - Insurance Office Annuities - Tables -
Indian Government Stocks . . . . . . . . . . . 41