Sun Yat-sen
With 16 Maps in the Text and aFolding Map at end
G. P. Putnam's Sons
New York and London
The Knickerbocker Press
Copyright, 1922
Sun Yat-sen
Made in the United States of America
This work is
affectionately dedicated
Sir James and Lady Cantlie
My revered teacher and devoted friends
to whom I once owed my life
As soon as Armistice was declared in the recentWorld War, I began to take up the study of the InternationalDevelopment of China, and to form programsaccordingly. I was prompted to do so by the desireto contribute my humble part in the realization of worldpeace. China, a country possessing a territory of4,289,000 square miles, a population of 400,000,000people, and the richest mineral and agricultural resourcesin the world, is now a prey of militaristic andcapitalistic powers—a greater bone of contention thanthe Balkan Peninsula. Unless the Chinese questioncan be settled peacefully, another world war greaterand more terrible than the one just past will be inevitable.In order to solve the Chinese question, I suggestthat the vast resources of China be developed internationallyunder a socialistic scheme, for the good of theworld in general and the Chinese people in particular.It is my hope that as a result of this, the present spheresof influence can be abolished; the international commercialwar can be done away with; the internecinecapitalistic competition can be got rid of, and last, butnot least, the class struggle between capital and laborcan be avoided. Thus the root of war will be foreverexterminated so far as China is concerned.
viEach part of the different programs in this InternationalScheme, is but a rough sketch or a generalpolicy produced from a layman's thought with verylimited materials at his disposal. So alterations andchanges will have to be made after scientific investigationand detailed survey. For instance, in regard tothe projected Great Northern Port, which is to besituated between the mouths of the Tsingho and theLwanho, the writer thought that the entrance of theharbor should be at the eastern side of the port butfrom actual survey by technical engineers, it is foundthat the entrance of the harbor should be at the westernside of the port instead. So I crave great indulgenceon the part of experts and specialists.
I wish to thank Dr. Monlin Chiang, Mr. David Yui,Dr. Y. Y. Tsu, Mr. T. Z. Koo, and Dr. John Y. Lee,who have given me great assistance in reading over themanuscripts with me.
Sun Yat-sen.
Canton, April 25, 1921.