
Produced by Martin Ward

Weymouth New Testament in Modern Speech, 1 Corinthians

Third Edition 1913

R. F. Weymouth

Book 46 1 Corinthians

001:001 Paul, called to be an Apostle of Christ Jesus through the will of God—and our brother Sosthenes:

001:002 To the Church of God in Corinth, men and women consecrated in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all in every place who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ— their Lord as well as ours.

001:003 May grace and peace be granted to you from God our Father
        and the Lord Jesus Christ.

001:004 I thank my God continually on your behalf for the grace of God
        bestowed on you in Christ Jesus—

001:005 that you have been so richly blessed in Him, with readiness
        of speech and fulness of knowledge.

001:006 Thus my testimony as to the Christ has been confirmed
        in your experience,

001:007 so that there is no gift of God in which you consciously come short while patiently waiting for the reappearing of our Lord Jesus Christ,

001:008 who will also keep you stedfast to the very End, so that you will be free from reproach on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.

001:009 God is ever true to His promises, and it was by Him that you were, one and all, called into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ, our Lord.

001:010 Now I entreat you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to cultivate a spirit of harmony—all of you—and that there be no divisions among you, but rather a perfect union through your having one mind and one judgement.

001:011 For I have been distinctly informed, my brethren, about you by Chloe's people, that there are dissensions among you.

001:012 What I mean is that each of you is a partisan. One man says "I belong to Paul;" another "I belong to Apollos;" a third "I belong to Peter;" a fourth "I belong to Christ."

001:013 Is the Christ in fragments? Is it Paul who was crucified on
        your behalf? Or were you baptized to be Paul's adherents?

001:014 I thank God that I did not baptize any of you except
        Crispus and Gaius—

001:015 for fear people should say that you were baptized to
        be my adherents.

001:016 I did, however, baptize Stephanas' household also:
        but I do not think that I baptized any one else.

001:017 Christ did not send me to baptize, but to proclaim the Good News;
        and not in merely wise words—lest the Cross of Christ should
        be deprived of its power.

001:018 For the Message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are on
        the way to perdition, but it is the power of God to those whom
        He is saving.

001:019 For so it stands written, "I will exhibit the nothingness of
        the wisdom of the wise, and the intelligence of the intelligent
        I will b



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