Obvious typos corrected. Inconsistencies in punctuation kept as in original.
Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation made consistent, e.g.: handbook, shipboard, to-day, chargé(s) d’affaires.
Spelling of Quebec and Colombia made consistent, but otherwise spellings of city and country names left as printed in the original.
Unclear name suffix in the original was confirmed as Jacob Meyer Jr. elsewhere.
Page number in Table of Contents for Lecture III—Consular Service—Duties changed to 83 to match actual start of chapter.
The Diplomatic Service and Consular Service tables in the Appendix have footnotes that are referenced in multiple entries across the original pages in the text. Rather than retain multiple footnotes with identical content, multiple anchors in the text may refer to a single note.
P. 208 in the original indicates a footnote * that has no corresponding anchor on that page, so it does not appear here.
The column headers with vertical text in the Synopsis of Commercial Treaties table on pp. 212-213 have been moved to a Key.
The Synopsis of Commercial Treaties table uses Unicode characters dagger (U+2020) and double dagger (U+2021). If the device font does not support these characters, † and ‡, they may not appear correctly.
Indent of Lethbridge, Alberta in table on p. 226 made to match surrounding entries since it falls in alphabetical order of those.
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