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The present volume is the seventh work published by theYale University Press on the Theodore L. Glasgow MemorialPublication Fund. This foundation was established September17, 1918, by an anonymous gift to Yale University in memoryof Flight Sub-Lieutenant Theodore L. Glasgow, R.N. He wasborn in Montreal, Canada, and was educated at the Universityof Toronto Schools and at the Royal Military College, Kingston.In August, 1916, he entered the Royal Naval Air Service andin July, 1917, went to France with the Tenth Squadron attachedto the Twenty-second Wing of the Royal Flying Corps. Amonth later, August 19, 1917, he was killed in action on theYpres front.
Chapter I. My Nurse and the Grande Armeé—Moscow in Flames—My Father and Napoleon—General Ilovaiski—A Journey with French Prisoners—Patriotism—Calot—Property Managed in Common—The Division—The Senator. | 3 |
Chapter II. Gossip of Nurses and Conversation of Generals—A False Position—Boredom—The Servants’ Hall—Two Germans—Lessons and Reading—Catechism and the Gospel. | ... BU KİTABI OKUMAK İÇİN ÜYE OLUN VEYA GİRİŞ YAPIN!Sitemize Üyelik ÜCRETSİZDİR! |