... From the Dark Ages of Space emerged the Second
Empire ... ruled by a child, a usurper and a fool!
The Great Throne of Imperial Earth commanded a
thousand vassal worlds—bleak, starved worlds that
sullenly whispered of galactic revolt.... At last,
like eagles at a distant eyrie, the star-kings
gathered ... not to whisper, but to strike!
[Transcriber's Note: This etext was produced from
Planet Stories Fall 1950.
Extensive research did not uncover any evidence that
the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed.]
Out of the dark ages of the Interregnum emerged the Second Empire.Once again in the space of a millennium, the banner of ImperialEarth waved above the decimated lands of the inhabited worlds. Fourgenerations of conquerors, heirs to the greatness of the ThousandEmperors, had recreated the Galactic Empire, by force of arms. Buttechnology, the Great Destroyer, was feared and forbidden. Onlywitches, warlocks and sorcerers remembered the old knowledge, and themobs, tortured by the racial memories of the awful destruction ofthe Civil Wars, stoned these seekers and burned them in the squaresof towns built amid the rubble of the old wars. The ancient, mightyspaceships—indestructible, eternal—carried men and horses, fire andsword across the Galaxy at the bidding of the warlords. The SecondEmpire—four generations out of isolated savagery—feudal, grim;a culture held together by bonds forged of blood and iron and theloyalty of the warrior star-kings....
—Quintus Bland,
Essays on Galactic History.
Kieron, Warlord of Valkyr, paced the polished floor angrily. Theflickering lights of the vast mirrored chamber glinted from thejewels in his ceremonial harness and shimmered down the length of hissilver cape. For a moment, the star-king paused before the tall doubledoors of beaten bronze, his strong hands toying with the hilt of hissword. The towering Janizaries of the Palace Guard stood immobile oneither side of the arching doorway, their great axes resting on theflagstones. It was as though the dark thoughts that coursed throughKieron's mind were—to them—unthinkable. The huge warriors from theheavy planets of the Pleiades were stolid, loyal, unimaginative. Andeven a star-king did not dream of assaulting the closed portals of theEmperor's chambers.
Kieron's fingers opened and closed spasmodically over the gem-crustedpommel of his weapon; his dark eyes glittered with unspent fury.Muttering an oath, he turned away from the silent door and resumed hispacing. His companion, a brawny man in the plain battle harness ofValkyr, watched him quietly from under bushy yellow brows. He stoodwith his great arms folded over the plaits of grizzled yellow hair thathung to his waist, his deeply-lined face framed by the loosened lacingsof a winged helmet. A huge sword hugged his naked thigh; a massiveblade with worn and sweat-stained hilt.
The lord of Valkyr paused in his angry pacing to glare at his aide."By the Great Destroyer, Nevitta! How long are we to stand this?"
"Patience, Kieron, patience." The old warrior spoke with the assuranceof lifelong familiarity. "They try us sorely, but we have waited threeweeks. A little longer can do no harm."
"Three weeks!" Kieron scowled at Nevitta. "Will they drive us intorebellion? Is that their intention? I swear I would not have taken thisfrom Gilmer himself!"
"The great Emperor would never have dealt