THE FARMHOUSE PLANS presented in this bulletinwere developed in connection with theFarm Housing Survey made in the spring of 1934 bythe United States Department of Agriculture and theagricultural colleges of 46 States, with funds providedby the Civil Works Administration. Theseplans were selected from more than 100 preparedunder the cooperation of the following agencies andpersons:
United States Department of Agriculture: Bureau of AgriculturalEngineering, S. H. McCrory, Chief; Bureau of Home Economics,Louise Stanley, Chief, and Director of the Rural Housing Survey.
Alabama Polytechnic Institute: J. B. Wilson, extension engineer,department of agricultural engineering.
University of Arkansas: Deane G. Carter, head, department ofagricultural engineering.
University of California: H. B. Walker, head, division ofagricultural engineering.
University of Georgia: R. H. Driftmier, professor of agriculturalengineering.
University of Illinois: E. W. Lehmann, head, and W. A. Foster,assistant chief in rural architecture, department of agriculturalengineering.
Purdue University (Indiana): William Aitkenhead, head, department ofagricultural engineering.
Iowa State College: Henry Giese, professor, department ofagricultural engineering.
Kansas State Agricultural College: H. E. Wichers, rural architect,department of architecture.
Massachusetts Agricultural College: C. I. Gunness, head, departmentof agricultural engineering.
University of Minnesota: H. B. White, assistant professor, divisionof agricultural engineering.
University of Missouri: J. C. Wooley, chairman, department ofagricultural engineering.
Ohio State University: R. C. Miller, professor, department ofagricultural engineering.
Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas: D. Scoates, head,department of agricultural engineering.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute: C. E. Seitz, head, department ofagricultural engineering.
State College of Washington: L. J. Smith, head, department ofagricultural engineering.
University of Wisconsin: S. A. Witzel, extension instructor,department of agricultural engineering.
At each of the cooperating institutions, home economicsspecialists were consulted by the designers inregard to the arrangement of the kitchen and otherparts of the home.
Working drawings for building the houses shownin this bulletin are available from the extensionservices of the State agricultural colleges. In mostcases a small charge is made for the drawings.