[Transcriber's Note: The cover image was created by the transcriber by adding the title and author's name to a scan of the cover of the original book and is placed in the public domain.]

Book cover



Uniform Edition. Demy 8vo. cloth, 5s. net each.


With 125 Illustrations.

'What the late J. R. Green has done for England Sir Walter Besant has here attempted,with conspicuous success, for Cockaigne. The Author of "A Short History of the EnglishPeople" and the historian of the London citizen share together the true secret of popularity.Both have placed before the people of to-day a series of vivid and indelible pictures of the peopleof the past.... No one who loves his London but will love it the better for reading thisbook. He who loves it not has before him a clear duty and a manifest pleasure.'—Graphic.

'Sir Walter Besant knows and loves his London thoroughly, and his beautifully illustratedbook will call up in the minds of those who bow to the spell a thousand delights of memory andexpectation. He contrives not merely to call back the old London, but to make the London ofthe present more living than before.'—Spectator.


With 131 Illustrations.

'Sir Walter Besant has told the story of the old city (London) and its corporate life in a waywhich has never been surpassed—not even equalled. The past of the mother of municipal life hehas made to live and breathe in a manner which reduces all other records of London to the meredryasdust category. But we like his "Westminster" even better.... There is nothingbut admiration to be expressed as well for the plan as for the execution.'—Daily Chronicle.

'Sir Walter Besant has here given us a worthy companion to his charming book on "London."...From beginning to end the narrative never flags, the illustrations never fail, and onerises from its reading with fuller ideas of the historic interest of the place and a greater venerationfor the ancient Abbey and all its relics of the past.'—Guardian.


With 120 Illustrations.

'To all Londoners who realise the absorbing fascination of the great world they live in wecordially recommend it as a worthy sequel to the author's previous volumes. It is written by anenthusiast who is also an accomplished writer, by a student who is a close observer of life; andit passes before the reader's imagination a series of indelible pictures which clothe our prosaicand monotonous South London with the romance which is its due.'—Literature.


With 55 Illustrations by Phil May, Raven Hill, and Joseph Pennell.

'Sir Walter Besant knows London as no one has known it since Charles Dickens.... Hehas given a lifetime to the acquisition of his knowledge of the great city. He was grey beforehe attempted to write his monumental works on "London," "Westminster," and "SouthLondon"—books which have earned him his title as the historian of London—and he has postponedhis book on "East London" u



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