By Ludovic Halevey

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Ancient pillars of stone, embrowned andgnawed by timeAnd they are shoulders which ought tobe seenBelieving themselves irresistibleBut she will give me nothing but moneyDuty, simply accepted and simplydischargedFrenchman has only one real luxury--hisrevolutionsGod may have sent him to purgatory justfor form's sakeGreat difference between dearly andvery muchHad not told all--one never does tellallHe led the brilliant and miserableexistence of the unoccupiedIf there is one! (a paradise)In order to make money, the first thingis to have no need of itLove and tranquillity seldom dwell atpeace in the same heartNever foolish to spend money.  Thefolly lies in keeping itOften been compared to Eugene Sue, buthis touch is lighterOne half of his life belonged to thepoorOne may think of marrying, but oneought not to try to marrySucceeded in wearying him by herimportunities and tendernessThe women have enough religion for themenThe history of good people is oftenmonotonous or painfulTo learn to obey is the only way oflearning to command

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