The text of this e-book has been preserved in its original formapart from silent correction of a few minor punctuation flaws (missingcommas and full stops). There are occasional spelling inconsistenciesas a consequence of its multiple authorship. One missing footnotemarker has been inserted at what seemed an appropriate position.Footnotes have been numbered and relocated as endnotes.
The original cover has been modified by thetranscriber to include more information and is placed in the publicdomain.
Sir Clifford Allbutt, K.C.B., F.R.S. | Prebendary Fausset, M.A. |
A. W. Robinson, D.D. | Jane Walker, M.D. |
Charles Buttar, M.D. | T. B. Hyslop, M.D. |
Stephen Paget, F.R.C.S. | Ellis Roberts. |
Bishop of Bloemfontein. | M. Carta Sturge. |
Hon. Sydney Holland. | H. G. G. Mackenzie, M.A., M.B. |
Farnham Castle, Surrey:
July 4, 1910.
Dear Mr. Geoffrey Rhodes,
The appearance of your volumeis very welcome. There is, I believe, a realneed for such a work. You are to be congratulatedon the results of the energy andpatience which you have bestowed upon itspreparation. You have a true reward in thesupport of writers so varied and conspicuousin distinction as those whose names you havebeen able to bring together.
You are enabling the whole reading worldto judge for itself, how the subject of‘Spiritual,’ ‘Mental,’ or ‘Faith’ healing,which during the past ten years has forceditself upon public notice, is being regardedby able, thoughtful, and impartial minds.viThere is no doubt that scientific medical menare not going to pay attention to evidence of anunscientific character. They will not wastetheir time over it. Nevertheless, to phenomenaduly attested, and to evidence scientificallyrecorded, they will give the mostscrupulous attention. It is the detailed andaccurate collection and classification of factsby those who are trained for the task andexpert in its process, that must prece