I am asked to write a preface for this littlebook, but I think that it needs nopreface at all. The account of a mostextraordinary war adventure condensed ina few pages, the fact that the exceptionalwill, determination and nerve of the manwho accomplished it have been rewarded bythe most coveted Italian military decoration,the rarest among all the militarydecorations in the world, the gold medal forbravery, are good reasons for raising theinterest of the reader. But the author addsa new flavor to the thing, seizing often theopportunity to show the ferocity of soldierswho have been to the last the faithful andworthy servants of the House of the Hapsburg;the sufferings of the Italian populationstemporarily under the hated Austrianviiioppression; the passionate love and devotionof those populations to their great mothercountry, Italy, arguments too often unknown,overlooked and unappreciated. Forthese reasons this book is not only an interestinghistorical document, but also, and especially,a good and patriotic performance.