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Printed for Rich: Lownes
White Lion in Duck Layne neare West Smithfield
The Queen-like Closet
Stored with all manner of
Preserving, Candying and Cookery.
Very Pleasant and Beneficial to all Ingenious Persons of the
The Second EDITION.
Printed for Richard Lowndes at the White Lion in Duck-Lane, nearWest-Smithfield, 1672.
My much Honoured Friend
Daughter to the Late
Knight Banneret;
And WIFE to
Gentleman, and Wollen Draper of LONDON
Your Kind and Good Acceptance of my Endeavours in Work for You, and thatEsteem You have for what else I can do, make me bold to present thisBook to You; which by that time You have perused, I doubt not but Youwill deem it worthy of the Title it bears; and indeed it was neveropened before: If it may yield You any Delight or Benefit, I shall beglad; for as You have a true Love and Esteem for me, so I have a verygreat Love and Honourable Esteem for You; and shall always be
_Your most Observant
To all Ladies, Gentlewomen, and to all other of the Female Sex who dodelight in, or be desirous of good Accomplishments.
Ladies and Gentlewomen,
_I Presume those Bookes which have passed from me formerly, have got mesome little credit and esteem amongst you.
But there being so much time past since they were Printed, thatmethinks, I hear some of you say_ I wish Mrs. Wolley would put forthsome New Experiments and to say the Truth, I have been importun'd bydivers of my Friends and Acquaintance to do so.
I shall not give an Apish Example every Day or Week to followridiculous and foolish Fancies, nor could I be too like the Spaniard,always to keep in one Dress: I am not ashamed, nor do I disown what Ihave already Printed, but some of you being so perfect in yourpractises, and I very desirous still to serve you, do now present youwith this Queen-like Closet: I do assure you it is worthy of theTitle it bears, for the very precious things you will find in it.
Thus beseeching your kind Acceptance of this Book, and of my earnestDesires to you, I take my Leave, but shall always be to all who haveesteem for me,
Their Faithful and
Humble Servant,