U.S. Department of Agriculture—Forest Service
State and Private Forestry—Southeastern Area
Forest Pest Management Group
This publication has been prepared to assist forest managers and homeownersin identifying pests of southern trees. The insects and diseasesdiscussed are the more common ones attacking forest and ornamentaltrees. Prompt identification and treatment of these pests may mean thedifference between losing or saving a valuable shade tree. Underlying allsuccessful forest and ornamental pest control efforts, however, is thenecessity to keep trees in a healthy, vigorous condition.
We have attempted to include pictures of the damage as well as picturesof the damage-causing organism or stage. Chemical suppression recommendationsare not included in this publication. For pesticide informationcontact the local State or Federal extension specialist, forester,entomologist, or pathologist.
Credit for some of the pictures in this guide goes to the Southern andSoutheastern Forest Experiment Stations and universities. We acknowledgethe help of the Forest Pest Management field personnel whoassisted in compiling this booklet.