Transcribed from the Skeffington & Son tenth edition byDavid Price,
Tenth Edition.
publishers to h.m. the queen and to h.r.h.the prince of wales.
p. 2By the sameAuthor, 9d., elegant cloth,
10th Edition.
NEW BOOK by the same Author. 3rd Edition. Elegantcloth, price 1s. 6d., by post 1s. 8d.
HE THAT SERVETH: Counsel and Help for Workers; being ShortReadings, etc., specially, but not solely, adapted for Domesticand other Servants, etc., Including most of the Church Seasons; on various Duties, Faults,Temptations, etc.; Confirmation, HolyCommunion, etc. The Publishers believe this littlebook will be most useful in meeting a very felt want.
The following papers were written at the request of one whohad read the somewhat similar papers addressed to girls. The object aimed at in both books has been to try and help Boysand Girls of the so-called working classes to recognize theirduties to God and their neighbour, and to use on the side ofright the powers and opportunities which God has given them.
It seems to the author that advice given to the so-calledlower orders, often partakes too much of patronage, and toolittle of the brotherhood, that should be a sign ofChristians. “Do as you are told and bethankful,” is too much the tone of the advice, instead ofexplaining duties, pointing out opportunities, and recognizingthem as fellow-labourers in the great work.
In God’s household everyone has his place assigned tohim by the master, some to govern, and some to serve, but stillall are fellow-servants of that one Master, and brethren inChrist.
What a curious fellow a boy is. I wonder if boys everthink about themselves. A young monkey is full of mischief,a young puppy is full of play, a young kitten is always ready forfun, but a boy seems to combine the qualities of all three, andto have a stock of his own to jumble up with them. A boyhas so many sides, not only an outside and an inside; he is amany sided being. See him at one time and you would hardlysuppose him to be the same creature that you had seen a littlewhile before. Now he is a bright nice spoken lad, in a fewmoments he is a bullying tyrant, now he is courteously answeringthose who speak to him, now words come from his lips that shockthe hearer. Now he would scorn to have his word doubted bya comrade, now he does not hesitate to lie to escapepunishment. Now fearless, now a coward, now full ofspirits, now in the depths of woe—sunshine or joy, wind andcalm, silence and tumult, all seem to have their place, and tomake up that incomprehensible and yet delightful animal aboy.
p.6Now boys, I want you to think of yourselves—not tothink how good or how bad you are—what fine fellows youare, and what important persons, but what you are capable ofbecoming. You will not remain boys always—you arenow, in the midst of all your oddities, forming your character,and shaping your future course, drawing out of the midst of allyour contradictions the character that will make you honestGod-fear