Journal from Carlsbad to Paris—Cynthia—Eger—Wallenstein—Weissenstadt—Berneck—Memories—Bayreuth—Voltaire—Hollfeld—Thechurch—The little girl with the basket—The inn-keeper and hismaid-servant—Bamberg—The female hunchback—Würzburg: its canons—Adrunkard—The swallow—The inn at Wiesenbach—A German and his wife—Myage and appearance—Heidelberg—Pilgrims—Ruins—Mannheim—TheRhine—-The Palatinate—Aristocratic and plebeian armies—Conventand castle—A lonely inn—Kaiserslautern—Saarbrück—Metz—CharlesX.'s Council in France—Ideas on Henry V.—My letter to Madame laDauphine—Letters from Madame la Duchesse de Berry
Journal from Paris to Venice—The Jura—The Alps—Milan—Verona—Theroll-call of the dead—The Brenta—Incidental remarks—Venice—Venetianarchitecture—Antonio—The Abbé Betio and M. Gamba—The rooms in thePalace of the Doges—Prisons—Silvio Pellico's prison—The Frari—TheAcademy of Fine Arts—Titian's Assumption—The metopes of theParthenon—Original drawings by Leonardo da Vinci, Michael Angelo andRaphael—The Church of Santi Giovanni e Paolo—The Arsenal—HenryIV.—A frigate leaving for America—The Cemetery of San Cristoforo—SanMichele di Murano—Murano—The woman and the child—Gondoliers—Bretonsand Venetians—Breakfast on the Riva degli Schiavoni—The tomb ofMesdames at Trieste—Rousseau and Byron—Great geniuses inspired byVenice—Old and new courtezans—Rousseau and Byron compared
Arrival of Madame de Bauffremont in Venice—Catajo—The Duke ofModena—Petrarch's Tomb at Arqua—The land of poets—Tasso—Arrivalof Madame la Duchesse de Berry—Mademoiselle Lebeschu—CountLucchesi-Palli—Discussion—Dinner—Bugeaud the gaoler—Madame deSaint-Priest, M. de Saint-Priest—Madame de Podenas—Our band—Irefuse to go to Prague—I yield at a word—Padua—Tombs—Zanze'smanuscript—Unexpected news—The Governor of the Lombardo-VenetianKingdom—Letters from Madame to Charles X. and Henry V.—M. deMontbel—My note to the Governor—I set out for Prague
Journal from Padua to Prague, from the 20th to the 26th ofSeptember 1833—Conegliano—The translator of the DernierAbencerrage—Udine—Countess Samoyloff—M. de La Ferronays—Apriest—Carinthia—The Drave—A peasant