Transcriber's Note:

This etext was produced from Amazing Stories December 1942. Extensive research did not uncover any evidence that the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed.





The forest was a hell of vicious brutesThe forest was a hell of vicious brutes




Grim death was the only romance to be found on this world
that boasted a thousand moons


Thrill Cruise


ance Kenniston felt the cold realization of failure as he came out ofthe building into the sharp chill of the Martian night. He stood for amoment, his lean, drawn face haggard in the light of the two hurtlingmoons.

He looked hopelessly across the dark spaceport. It was a large one,for this ancient town of Syrtis was the main port of Mars. The forkedlight of the flying moons showed many ships docked on the tarmac—abig liner, several freighters, a small, shining cruiser and othersmall craft. And for lack of one of those ships, his hopes wereruined!

A squat, brawny figure in shapeless space-jacket came to Kenniston'sside. It was Holk Or, the Jovian who had been waiting for him.

"What luck?" asked the Jovian in a rumbling whisper.

"It's hopeless," Kenniston answered heavily. "There isn't a smallcruiser to be had at any price. The meteor-miners buy up all smallships here."

"The devil!" muttered Holk Or, dismayed. "What are we going to do? Goon to Earth and get a cruiser there?"

"We can't do that," Kenniston answered. "You know we've got to getback to that asteroid within two weeks. We've got to get a ship here."

Desperation made Kenniston's voice taut. His lean, hard face was bleakwith knowledge of disastrous failure.

The big Jovian scratched his head. In the shifting moonslight hisbattered green face expressed ignorant perplexity as he stared acrossthe busy spaceport.

"That shiny little cruiser there would be just the thing," Holk Ormuttered, looking at the gleaming, torpedo-shaped craft nearby. "Itwould hold all the stuff we've got to take; and with robot controls wetwo could run it."

"We haven't a chance to get that craft," Kenniston told him. "I foundout that it's under charter to a bunch of rich Earth youngsters whocame out here in it for a pleasure cruise. A girl named Loring,heiress to Loring Radium, is the head of the party."

The Jovian swore. "Just the ship we need, and a lot of spoiled kidsare using it for thrill-hunting!"

Kenniston had an idea. "It might be," he said slowly, "that they'retired of the cruise by this time and would sell us the craft. I thinkI'll go up to the Terra Hotel and see this Loring girl."

"Sure, let's try it anyway," Holk Or agreed.

The Earthman looked at him anxiously. "Oughtn't you to keep undercover, Holk? The Planet Patrol has had your record on file for a longtime. If you happened to be recognized—"

"Bah, they think I'm dead, don't they?" scoffed the Jovian. "There'sno danger of us getting picked up.



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