At the Eastern entrance to this National playground is the modern town of Estes Park, with an elevation of7,549 feet. Estes Park has daily mail service, direct telegraph and long distance telephone connections, andmost efficient electric and phone service. Its water, only a few hours from the eternal snow fields, is 99 percent pure by test, and fresh pure milk from inspected herds is delivered daily.
There is also a fine Public Library, an Auditorium, Protestant and Catholic churches, and an up-to-date weeklynewspaper and printing plant.
Adjoining the Village is the Estes Aviation Country Club featuring a 3000 ft. runway, 9-hole golf course, tenniscourts, scenic passenger flights and other recreational activities.
There is a well managed pavilion for those who like to dance. Special dances are frequently held at many ofthe hotels and lodges. The theatres offer the latest motion picture releases. Horseback riding, bowling, hikingand golf are major recreational activities.
Adjoining the Village are the administration headquarters forthe fifty-four million dollar Colorado-Big Thompson Diversion project,which is to divert the waters of the Colorado river from thewestern to the eastern slopes of the Continental Divide by meansof a 13-mile tunnel through the Rockies.
Outstanding and nationally known boys’ and girls’ camps whereyoung people may enjoy healthful surroundings under sympatheticinstructors offer campcraft, woodcraft,mountaineering, natural science andhorsemanship.
During the summer Estes Park isthe center of activity for many thousandsof people, its local shops andstores economically supplying their everyneed. These stores are up-to-dateand stocks are complete. Prices aremoderate. Many of these stores maintaina daily delivery service to outlyingdistricts.
Come up here for a day, a week or amonth and you’ll go back home with thegallery of your mind filled with thepictures these hills and canyons andaspens, slopes and gulches and glaciershave hung upon its walls.
Rocky Mountain National Park, adjoiningEstes Park Village, embraces 405 squaremiles of unsurpassed mountain scenery, including65 towering peaks over 10,000 feethigh, 150 highland lakes, scores of rushingstreams, babbling brooks and dashing waterfalls.Here the natural attractions are sovaried a visitor is almost bewildered by thewide choice of vacation endeavors which couldfill an entire summer.
Visitors are urged to take advantage ofnaturalist services. Schedules of hikes andnature walks, as well as evening campfirediscussions, are announced weekly. Threemuseums on geologic, historic, biologic andother aspects of the Park are open throughoutthe season. Auto caravans, led bynaturalists to outstanding areas too far forhiking, bring visitors to rare regions o