The first edition seems to have fulfilled a need for a generaltext-book on the subject of bacteriology. The original methodof presentation is preserved. The text-book idea is adhered to,so that the individual instructor may have full liberty to expandon topics in which he is especially interested. A numberof illustrations have been added, the text has been improvedin many instances by the addition of further explanatorymatter and the most recent general advances in the Science.Examples are the System of Classification of the Society ofAmerican Bacteriologists, which is used throughout the text,their Key to the Genera of Bacteria, a discussion of the H-ionconcentration method of standardization, the selective actionof anilin dyes, the mechanism of entrance of pathogenic organismsinto the body, a more detailed explanation of theorigin of antibodies, the nature of antigens and a table ofantigens and antibodies.
Professor Vera McCoy Masters has assisted in the revisionby aiding in the preparation of manuscript and the readingof proof and in the making of the index, for which servicesthe author’s thanks are hereby expressed.
An experience of nearly twenty years in the teaching ofBacteriology has convinced the author that students of thissubject need a comprehensive grasp of the entire field andspecial training in fundamental technic before specializingin any particular line of work. Courses at the Universityare arranged on this basis. One semester is devoted to GeneralBacteriology. During the second semester the studenthas a choice of special work in Pathogenic, Dairy, Soil, Water,or Chemical Bacteriology. A second year may be devotedto advanced work in any of the above lines, to Immunityand Serum Therapy, or to Pathogenic Protozoa.
This text-book is intended to cover the first or introductorysemester’s work, and requires two classroom periods per week.Each student is compelled to take two laboratory periodsof three hours per week along with the class work. The outlineof the laboratory work is given at the end of the text.Results attained seem to justify this plan. A text-book isbut one of many pedagogical mechanisms and is not intendedto be an encyclopedia of the subject.
The author makes no claim to originality of content, sincethe facts presented are well known to every bacteriologist,