The ship—The crew—A hurricane—Cape Verde Islands—Frio—A pampeiro.
Montevideo—Beggars—Antonina for maté—Antonina to Buenos Aires—Thebombelia.
Salvage of a cargo of wine—Sailors happy—Cholera in theArgentine—Death in the land—Dutch Harry—Pete the Greek—Notedcrimps—Boat lost—Sail for Ilha Grande—Expelled from the port—Serioushardships.
Ilha Grande decree—Return to Rosario—Waiting opening of the Brazilianports—Scarcity of sailors—Buccaneers turned pilots—Sail down theriver—Arrive at Ilha Grande the second time—Quarantined andfumigated—Admitted to pratique—Sail for Rio—Again challenged—Rioat last.
At Rio—Sail for Antonina with mixed cargo—A pampeiro—Ship onbeam-ends—Cargo still more mixed—Topgallant-masts carried away—Arrive[Pg vi]safely at Antonina.
Mutiny—Attempt at robbery and murder—Four against one—Two go downbefore a rifle—Order restored.
Join the bark at Montevideo—A good crew—Small-pox breaks out—Bear upfor Maldonado and Floras—No aid—Death of sailors—To Montevideo indistress—Quarantine.
A new crew—Sail for Antonina—Load timber—Native canoes—Loss of theAquidneck.
The building of the Liberdade.
Across the bar—The run to Santos—Tow to Rio by the steamship—At Rio.
Sail from Rio—Anchor at Cape Frio—Encounter with a whale—Sunkentreasure—The schoolmaster—The merchant—The good people at the[Pg vii]village—A pleasant visit.
Sail from Frio—Round Cape St. Thorne—High seas and swift currents—Inthe "trades"—Dangerous reefs—Run into harbour unawares, on a dark andstormy night—At Garavellas—Fine weather—A gale—Port St.Paulo—Treacherous natives—Sail for Bahia.
At Bahia—Meditations on the discoverers—The Caribbees.
Bahia to Pernambuco—The meeting of the Finance at sea—AtPernambuco—Round Cape St. Roque—A gale—Breakers—The stretch toBarbadoes—Flying-fish alighting on deck—Dismasted—Arrive at CarlysleBay.
At Barbadoes—Mayaguez—Crossing the Bahama Banks—The GulfStream—Arrival on the coast of South Carolina.
Ocean Currents—Visit to South Santee—At the TypeeRiver—Quarantined—South Port and Wilmington, N.C.—Inland sailing toBeaufort, Norfolk and Washington, D.C.—Voyage ended.