We recognize that the Amish way of life is based on the literal applicationof the Word of the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ to their everydaylife, with the result that many of their customs and beliefs have a religioussignificance not immediately apparent to those not of the Amish faith.
It is our purpose to give to those beliefs and customs of the Amish, whichare matters of religion, the same respect and reverence which we give tosymbols of other religions.
Exodus 20:4 states: “Thou shalt not make to thyself a graven thing,nor the likeness of anything that is in heaven above or in the earth beneath,nor of those things that are in the waters under the earth.”
The Amish believe that the taking of photographs violates this commandmentif the face of the individual photographed is recognizable as that individual.We agree not to violate that rule without the permission of theperson photographed.
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This Official Guide-Book of the Pennsylvania Dutch TouristBureau has been prepared solely for the purpose of making thetourist’s visit to Lancaster County the interesting and enjoyableexperience it should be.
Situated but a few hours drive from many of the great citiesof the eastern United States, the Pennsylvania Dutch Countryoffers more to the tourist than perhaps any other area of ourcountry. Honeycombed with fine hard-topped roads, LancasterCounty is the happy hunting ground for the visitor, who wishesto concern himself with the quaint and the historic. It is theideal spot for quiet leisurely travel through the most picturesqueand well-tended farm land to be found anywhere.
Inasmuch as the Plain People of Lancaster County are of greatinterest to the tourist considerable space in the Guide-Book hasbeen devoted to them. Certainly, these fine agrarians, with theirquaint customs and their somber dress, will command much of thevisitors’ attention but they are by no means the only reason forspending much time in this section of Pennsylvania. You are urgedto make a careful study of this Guide-Book, so that you will befully aware of all that the Pennsylvania Dutch Country has tooffer.
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The Pennsylvania Dutch Tourist Bureau does not suggest travel in strictlyAmish farm areas on Sundays, because of possible interference with the Amishobservance of the Sabbath.
Compiled and Edited by
Published by
1800 Hempstead Road
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17601
Phone 717 393-9705
Copyright 1962
Revised 1972
Pennsylvania Dutch Tourist Bureau