The very great Importance of attaching theINDIANS to their Interest; not only bytreating them justly and kindly; but by using properEndeavours to settle Christianity among them.
Pastor of a Church in Springfield.
I perceive that GOD is no Respecter of Persons: But inevery Nation, he that feareth him, and worketh Righteousness, isaccepted with him.
Apostle Peter.
Printed in Boston, 1753. Being a Conclusion to theHistorical Memoirs relating to the Housatunnuk Indians;with an Account of the Methods used for thePropagation of the Gospel amongst the said Indians, bythe late reverend Mr. John Sergeant.
Now recommended to the serious Consideration of the Inhabitantsof Pennsylvania, and the other Colonies.
Reprinted by B. Franklin, and D. Hall. 1757.
My Design in this Address is to represent,to the People in this Country, the verygreat Importance of treating the Indians,who live among us, and upon ourBorders, in a just, kind and charitable Manner; andthat we do, by all proper Means and Methods, endeavourto attach them to us, and to the British Interest.This, I apprehend, is a Subject that has been toomuch neglected, and that greatly wants to be set ina clear and just Light. And I sincerely wish thatsome Gentleman of greater Abilities and Addressthan I can pretend to, would take it in Hand: Tho’if my weak Endeavours may be a Means of movingothers to do Justice to a Subject of such Weight,I shall heartily rejoice in it.
That I may offer what I have to say in the clearestand most concise Manner I can, I shall go intothe following Method.
First, I shall endeavour to shew, that it is of vastImportance to the British Provinces and Colonies inAmerica, especially to the Provinces of the Massachusetts,New-York, and New-Hampshire, that theybe in good Terms with the Indians, and attachthem to their Interest. And,
Secondly, I shall endeavour to shew, by whatMeans this may be effected: Or what are the mostlikely Methods to bring it to pass.
1. I am to shew, that it is of vast Importance,that we be in good Terms with the Natives; andthat we engage them in our Interest. I freely grant,that the Indians