Produced by Dr. Gregory B. Newby
15 October 1991
The CIA World Factbook 1991
Some tags useful for searching the factbook are as follows:
@ the first three characters in each country heading;
for example, _@Afghanistan
@_American Samoa
* the first three characters in each section heading;
for example, _*Geography
# the first three characters in each individual entry;
for example, _#Total area
#Comparative area
#Land boundaries
% the first three characters in the first line following
the end of a country section or an appendix
The World Factbook is produced annually by the Central IntelligenceAgency for the use of United States Government officials, and the style,format, coverage, and content are designed to meet their specificrequirements.
Information was provided by the Bureau of the Census, Central
Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, Defense Nuclear Agency,
Department of State, Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Maritime
Administration, National Science Foundation (Polar Information Program),
Navy Operational Intelligence Center, Office of Territorial and
International Affairs, United States Board on Geographic Names,
United States Coast Guard, and others.
Comments and queries are welcome and may be addressed to:
Central Intelligence Agency
Attn: Public Affairs
Washington, DC 20505
(703) 351-2053
US Government officials should obtain copies of The World Factbookdirectly from their own organizations or through liaison channels fromthe Central Intelligence Agency. This publication is also available inmicrofiche, magnetic tape, or diskettes for microcomputers.
This publication may be purchased by telephone (VISA or MasterCard)
or mail from:
Superintendent of Documents
US Government Printing Office
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