Footnotes have been collected at the end of each chapter, and arelinked for ease of reference.
The Appendix features several pages of column-wise text and commentwith some irregular indentation, which has not been retained.
Minor errors, attributable to the printer, have been corrected. Pleasesee the transcriber’s note at the end of this textfor details regarding the handling of any textual issues encounteredduring its preparation.
Any corrections are indicated using an underlinehighlight. Placing the cursor over the correction will produce theoriginal text in a small popup.
Any corrections are indicated as hyperlinks, which will navigate thereader to the corresponding entry in the corrections table in thenote at the end of the text.
From a Photograph by C. F. Tyrwhitt Drake, Esq.] [Frontispiece.
Very few words are needed to introduce this volume.It is intended to give a history of the city of Jerusalemfrom about the year 30 to the present time. This periodincludes the siege and capture by Titus, the last revolts ofthe Jews, the Christian occupation of three hundred years,the Mohammedan conquest, the building by the Mo