American Literature, Selections From. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. 446. Bancroft, George. 334. Bryant, William Cullen. 208. Bushnell, Dr. Horace. 145. Channing, William Ellery. 79. Dana, Richard Henry. 208. Edwards, Jonathan. 16. Franklin, Benjamin. 77. Halleck, Fitz Greene. 207. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. 392. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. 265. Howells, William D. 394. Irving, Washington. 146. James, Jr., Henry. 393. Jefferson, Thomas. 79. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. 210. Lowell, James Russell. 266. Mather, Cotton. 14. Motley, John Lothrop. 333. Paulding, James Kirke. 147. Porter, Dr. Noah. 146. Prescott, William H. 335. Sandys, George. 14. Taylor, Bayard. 446. Thaxter, Celia. 447. Warner, Charles Dudley. 394. Washington, George. 78. Whittier, John G. 264.
Americans, Eccentric. C. E. Bishop. 43, 95, 211, 275, 348, 510, 584.
Amusements of the London Poor. Walter Besant. 457.