Captain Billy’s Whiz Bang, Vol. II. No. 16, January, 1921

Cover image

Keep On Keepin’ On

If the day looks kinder gloomy
And chances kinder slim,
If the situation’s puzzlin’
And the prospect’s awful grim;
And perplexities keep pressin’—
If hope is nearly gone,
Jest bristle up and grit your teeth
And keep on keepin’ on.
Whiz Bang Bill.


Title page image

Captain Billy’s
Whiz Bang

Make It Snappy

January, 1921 Vol. II. No. 16

Published Monthly by
W. H. Fawcett,
Rural Route No. 2
at Robbinsdale, Minnesota

Entered as second-class matter May 1, 1920, at the post office atRobbinsdale, Minnesota, under the Act of March 3, 1879.

Price 25 cents $2.50 per year


We have room for but one soul loyalty and that isloyalty to the American People.”—Theodore Roosevelt.

Copyright 1921
By W. H. Fawcett

Allied Printing Trades Union Council Label

Edited by a Spanish and World War Veteran and dedicatedto the fighting forces of the United States.


History Up-to-Date

Now that the British are agitating for a change inthe American history text books, which, they charge,inculcates our future generations with prejudiceagainst the original mother country, and the anti-Britishare crying for more, let’s fit-in with somethingin keeping with the spirit of the age. Let’s introducea history lesson that is guaranteed to interest theshimmy-shaking school children of this great andglorious jazz age. Therefore, we offer for yourapproval, Professor Brenton’s “History Up-to-date.”


Things started off wrong in the beginning whenAdam had to give up one of his ribs for Eve, butin spite of this, he, like a game sport, tipped hisfig leaf to her upon their first introduction. All ransmoothly until Eve raised Cain, and thus our ancestors(after the monkeys) kept up a constant increase untilNoah got inside dope about the flood, whereupon hebuilt the Ark.

Our troubles might have been relegated to theword finis, but Noah stuck up a good old boat and savedhis wife, his animals, and their wives. Then Nero[4]played havoc with Rome and made th



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