

The cover image was created by the transcriberand is placed in the public domain.

For consistency, all bible references have been made to have no spacesin the numbers, for example 'Thess. 2:3,4' or 'Rev. 17:4-6'.

Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have beencorrected after careful comparison with other occurrences withinthe text and consultation of external sources.

More detail can be found at the end of the book.

Dr. Warner

Birth of a Reformation


The Life and Labors of
Daniel S. Warner

By A. L. Byers


"It shall come to pass, that at evening time
it shall be light."

P. O. Box 713
Guthrie, Oklahoma 73044

To the

[Pg 5]

Publisher's Preface

Year 1966

This volume, a reprint of the book originally publishedin 1921 and out of print for many years, is in responseto a long felt need that this biography of D. S. Warner,along with a brief mention of a few of his associate ministersand gospel workers, should be available to the readersof the present generation and those to follow, shouldthe Lord extend time.

The original book is herewith reproduced without alterationor change, except a very few minor omissions, andaccounts of events and conditions existing after the periodof Bro. Warner's life.

The reader should bear in mind that Bro. Warner'scoming out of sectism was a gradual process over a periodof time leading to the climactic step, and any improperor questionable action on his part while involved in sectswas merely a result of his lack of clear light and understandingof God's Word. After the light broke through,he himself renounced these practices.

In 1878 D. S. Warner wrote: "The Lord ... gave mea new commission to join holiness and all truth togetherand build up the apostolic church of the living God."

Bro. Warner and his associates, discerning the impossibilityof the true church existing within the frameworkof denominationalism, declared their freedom from the"sin of sectism and division" and instituted the "eveninglight" restoration movement in the latter part of the nineteenthcentury in direct fulfillment of Bible prophecy. SeeZech. 14:7. These vital Bible truths, especially on theline of holiness and the nature of the church, which thosereformers proclaimed, are imperative today in preservingthe church after the apostolic pattern.

Many reformations have come to the religious worldsince the decline of the apostolic church from its pristineglory of the first century. Yet the nineteenth century reformis more complete, radical and fundamental than any[6]previous movement. A historian has penned this significantobservation: "No sooner had D. S. Warner andothers begun to preach as men had not preached for timeout of mind



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