Which begins in a Manner not at allwonderful.
HALLOO Boys, halloo Boys,Huzza! Huzza! Huzza!
Come, Tom, make haste, the Fair isbegun. Here is Jack Pudding, withthe gridiron on his back, and all theboys hallooing.
Make haste, make haste, but don’tget into the crowd: for little boys areoften trod upon, and even crushed todeath by mixing with the mob. If youwould be safe, by all means avoid acrowd. Look yonder, Dick Wilsonthere has done the very thing I cautionedyou against. He has got into themiddle of that great mob. A sillychit; that boy is always thrusting hisnose into difficulties: surely there neverwas such an impertinent littlemonkey. How shall we get him out?See how the rogue scuffles and roars.He deserves all the squeezing he hasgot, because he will never take advice;and yet I am sorry for him. Whotapped me on the shoulder? O Sam,what are you come puffing and blowing!Why you look as busy as a foolin the fair. Well, what news do youbring from the region of nonsense? Ihave not seen it, and should be gladto know what is done, without thetrouble of attending.
Sam Gooseberry’s Account of the wonderfulThings of the Fair.