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No. 124. NEW YORK,January 23, 1915 Price Five Cents.
“The thing seems impossible!”
“Yet it’s true.”
“You mean to tell me that——”
“I mean to tell you that Mrs. de Puyster van Dietrich, who retired toher room in this hotel last night at eleven o’clock, was not there thismorning when her maid went to call her, and that her doors were allbolted and locked, with the keys inside.”
“What about the windows?”
“Mrs. van Dietrich’s rooms are on the fourth floor.”
“She did not jump out, Mallory, if that’s what you mean. They overlookthe sea, and there are jagged rocks immediately beneath her windows. Shewould surely have been killed if she had gone that way. Anyhow, she is awell-balanced woman, who enjoys life, and a multimillionaire. Why shouldshe commit suicide?”
“I don’t know why she should, Savage. That’s nothing. Seventy-five outof a hundred suicides seem to have no good reason behind them—untilinvestigation is made afterward.”
“She did not jump out of the window, I tell you.”
“Perhaps she fell out,” suggest