
The Radium Pool

Ed Earl Repp

Fantasy Publishing Co. Inc.
Los Angeles 1949

Copyright 1949 by Ed Earl Repp

[Transcriber's Note: Extensive research did not uncover any
evidence that the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed.]

THE RADIUM POOL, copyright 1929 by Gernsback Pubs., Inc.

PHANTOM OF TERROR, copyright 1933 by Teck Pubs., Inc.

THE RED DIMENSION, copyright 1930 by Stellar Pub. Corp.
& copyright 1945 by Better Pubs., Inc.

Manufactured in U. S. A.

Jacket Design by Jack Gaughan

8318 Avalon Blvd., Los Angeles 3, California

Deep beneath the many-hued, volcanic sands of the Manalava Plains is aneerie world. And in this world, in a gem-encrusted cavern, is a pool ofshimmering, iridescent matter, guarded by creatures from outer space.Into this unexplored region go two men following the shadowy trail of avanished girl; searching down the corridors of time for a fragment of adeparted age. Intent upon their quest they do not heed the silent voicethat warns them of the great peril in the secret recesses of the cavernland. Lured irresistibly toward danger, the Earthmen discover that theinterlopers from a far planet plan to use their superior powers toprotect their lootings.

THE RADIUM POOL is the story of the desperate search by two gallant menfor a lost woman; of their meeting with the weird Jovians in the hiddenwork-shop under the Valley of Death; of the uncanny mysteries of thePool, and the immortality found therein. Throughout this tale of darkadventure the unseen hand of fate is deftly guiding the destinies ofeach man toward good and evil.

Included in this volume is a scientific detective story, "The Phantomof Terror," and "The Red Dimension," once reprinted in StartlingStories' Hall of Fame, and considered by many readers to be theauthor's best science fiction short story.


The Radium Pool
The Phantom of Terror
The Red Dimension

The Radium Pool

Introductory Note

To begin with, you may not believe this story, yet I sincerelyurge you not to allow the apparent strangeness of it to create aprejudice against it. Many weird tales, most of which are true, comefrom the vast wastes of desert jungles. How little we actually knowof Death Valley—the lowest spot on earth and the hottest! Withits shifting sand-dunes, sun-baked hills, saline formations andmysterious atmospheres, the Valley of Death has long been the subjectof mysteries for fiction and fact. In truth, it is the one spot onthe North American Continent that has not been thoroughly exploredeither by desert rat or scientist. This is true especially of what liesbeneath the surface. Neither has it been thoroughly explored on thesurface—the area is too great—and it has never been found possibleto remain there for any length of time! Only those who have spent muchtime in Death Valley can appreciate its intriguing mysteries, itsradiant beauty and deathly lure!


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