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The Contemporary Science Series.

Edited by Havelock Ellis.

I. THE EVOLUTION OF SEX. By Prof. Patrick Geddes and J. A. Thomson. With90 Illustrations. Second Edition. 3s. 6d.

“The authors have brought to the task—as indeed their names guarantee—awealth of knowledge, a lucid and attractive method of treatment and a richvein of picturesque language.”—Nature.

II. ELECTRICITY IN MODERN LIFE. By G. W. de Tunzelmann. With 88Illustrations. 3s. 6d.

“A clearly-written and connected sketch of what is known about electricityand magnetism, the more prominent modern applications, and the principleson which they are based.”—Saturday Review.

III. THE ORIGIN OF THE ARYANS. By Dr. Isaac Taylor. Illustrated. SecondEdition. 3s. 6d.

“Canon Taylor is probably the most encyclopædic all-round scholar nowliving. His new volume on the Origin of the Aryans is a first-rate exampleof the excellent account to which he can turn his exceptionally wide andvaried information.... Masterly and exhaustive.”—Pall Mall Gazette.

IV. PHYSIOGNOMY AND EXPRESSION. By P. Mantegazza. Illustrated. 3s. 6d.

“Brings this highly interesting subject even with the latestresearches.... Professor Mantegazza is a writer full of life and spirit,and the natural attractiveness of his subject is not destroyed by hisscientific handling of it.”—Literary World (Boston).

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“The book is as interesting as a novel, without sacrifice of accuracy orsystem, and is calculated to give an appreciation of the fundamentals ofpathology to the lay reader, while forming a useful collection ofillustrations of disease for medical reference.”—Journal of MentalScience.

VI. THE VILLAGE COMMUNITY. By G. L. Gomme. Illustrated. 3s. 6d.

“His book will probably remain for some time the best work of referencefor facts bearing on those traces of the village community which have notbeen effaced by conquest, encroachment, and the heavy hand of Romanlaw.”—Scottish Leader.

VII. THE CRIMINAL. By Havelock Ellis. Illustrated. Second Edition. 3s. 6d.

“The sociologist, the philosopher, the philanthropist, the novelist—all,indeed, for whom the study of human nature has any attraction—will findMr. Ellis full of interest and suggestiveness.”—Academy.

VIII. SANITY AND INSANITY. By Dr. Charles Mercier. Illustrated. 3s. 6d.

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IX. HYPNOTISM. By Dr. Albert Moll. Fourth Edition. 3s. 6d.

“Marks a step of some importance in the study of some difficultphysiological and psychological problems which have not yet received muchattention in the scientific world of England.”—Nature.



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