Blood Atonement and the Origin of Plural Marriage


Correspondence between ELDER JOSEPH F. SMITH, JR. of the Church ofJesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


MR. RICHARD G. EVANS, Second Counselor in the Presidency of the"Reorganized" Church

"To correct misrepresentation, we adopt self representation."

—John Taylor.

Correspondence between ELDER JOSEPH F. SMITH, (JR.,) of the Church ofJesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and MR. RICHARD C. EVANS, secondcounselor (1905) in the Presidency of the "Reorganized" Church. Aconclusive refutation of the false charges persistently made byministers of the "Reorganized" Church against the Latter-day Saints andtheir belief. Also a supplement containing a number of affidavits andother matters bearing on the subjects.




The correspondence in this pamphlet was brought about through thewilful misrepresentation of the doctrines of the Latter-day Saints andthe unwarranted abuse of the authorities of the Church by Mr. RichardC. Evans, in an interview which appeared in the Toronto (Canada) DailyStar of January 28, 1905. A copy of the interview was placed in thehands of the writer, who, on February 19th following, replied to Mr.Evans in an open letter which was published in the Toronto Star on orabout the 25th of the month.[1] This open letter was answered by Mr.Evans in a personal letter, and on the 23rd of May, a rejoinder to hisreply was sent to Mr. Evans at his home in London, Ontario, Canada.In all, four communications—including the interview—have passedbetween us, and all of these four communications are here reproducedin full. A copy of the open letter which appeared in the Star,was also sent to Mr. Evans who acknowledged its receipt. Nothing morewas done in regard to this correspondence until August 17th and 24th,when an article containing a portion of it appeared in the Zion'sEnsign, published by the "Reorganized" church at Independence, JacksonCounty, Missouri, under the title: "Statements Authenticated," in whichit was made to appear that the full and complete communications werereproduced. But this, however, was not the case.

In a letter from Mr. Evans to the editor of the Ensign whichaccompanied the above mentioned article, he said:

Believing that good will be accomplished by the publication of theentire matter, I herewith mail you the referred to matter.

From this it would naturally be supposed that the completecorrespondence would be given. However I was not surprised to see thatMr. Evans' side of the controversy was in full, while a large portionof my first communication had been purposely suppressed; and thatmy second letter did not appear at all! And thus was the "entirematter" given to the readers of the Ensign that "good" might be"accomplished." (?)

The parts that were purposely left out of my communication by Mr.Evans, were most vital to the subject and have been indicated as theyappear in the body of this work by being placed in italics, exceptinga few minor matters which he omitted that I have not mentioned,nevertheless matters that throw light upon the subject.

One of these quotations was in relation to two articles in the firstvolume of the Saints' Herald which were important, coming, as theydid from the "enemy's" camp. Here is the omitted part:

If you believe your statement to be true, will you kindly



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