This text is a compilation and reprint of articles from a varietyof Schoolcraft's works. No attempt was made by the printer to regularizethe appearance, nor to provide a table of contents. There is nostandard organization, therefore, by chapter or section, and thetransitions between sources are not usually obvious. The relative sizes oftitles and subtitles have been kept, insofar as it was possible.
The text of pages 286 and 287 were printed in reverse order.Although pagination is continuous, there is at least one page oftext missing before the text beginning on p. 288. The pages aregiven here in the correct order, with the original paginationretained. At p. 300, the text again ends abruptly, with a new sectionbeginning on p. 301. Transcriber Notes are added at those places to alertthe reader to the gaps.
Many printer's errors have been corrected. Most spelling variants areleft as printed, except where the likelihood of a typo seems strong;(e.g. emcamped/encamped, ryhme/rhyme) or there are other examples in theimmediate vicinity. Consult the Notes at the end of this text for specificchanges.
Minor inconsistencies of punctuation in the tabular text have beenresolved.
Schoolcraft renders Indian language in English characters using hisown conventions. Therefore, the printed spelling of these words hasbeen observed as printed, with only several exceptions, where itseems very clear from adjacent spellings that there have beenprinter's errors.
On p. 227, the figure 8 is used, “set horizontally, to express a peculiarsound”. The upper and lower cases have here been rendered as∞ and ∞. These might not render properly, dependingon the available fonts on your computer.
Footnotes have been moved to the back of the text, with anchors providedfor quick navigation.
The Table of Contents given here did not appear in the original, butis provided for ease of navigation. A hierarchy is followed where theextracts seem to warrant it.