Complete and unexpurgated translation by W. C. Firebaugh,in which are incorporated the forgeries of Nodot and Marchena,and the readings introduced into the text by De Salas.
(Forgeries of Nodot)
[Forgeries of Marchena]
{Additions of De Salas}
The conquests of the French have resulted, during this war, in a boon toknowledge and to letters. Egypt has furnished us with monuments of itsaboriginal inhabitants, which the ignorance and superstition of the Coptsand Mussulmans kept concealed from civilized countries. The libraries ofthe convents of the various countries have been ransacked by savants andprecious manuscripts have been brought to light.
By no means the least interesting of the acquisitions is a fragment ofPetronius, which we offer to the public, taken from an ancient manuscriptwhich our soldiers, in conquering St. Gall, have sent to us forexamination. We have made an important discovery in reading a parchmentwhich contains the work of St. Gennadius on the Duties of Priests, andwhich, judging from the form of the letters employed, we should say waswritten in the eleventh century. A most careful examination led us toperceive that the work by this saint had been written on pages containingwritten letters, which had been almost effaced. We