Complete and unexpurgated translation by W. C. Firebaugh,in which are incorporated the forgeries of Nodot and Marchena,and the readings introduced into the text by De Salas.
(Forgeries of Nodot)
[Forgeries of Marchena]
{Additions of De Salas}
There was no torch to light the way for us, as we wandered around, nordid the silence of midnight give promise of our meeting any wayfarer witha light; in addition to this, we were drunk and unfamiliar with thedistrict, which would confuse one, even in daylight, so for the best partof a mortal hour we dragged our bleeding feet over all the flints andpieces of broken tile, till we were extricated, at last, by Giton'scleverness. This prudent youngster had been afraid of going astray onthe day before, so he had taken care to mark all the pillars and columnswith chalk. These marks stood out distinctly, even through the pitchynight, and by their brilliant whiteness pointed out the way for us as wewandered about. Nevertheless, we had no less cause for being in a sweateven when we came to our lodging, for the old woman herself had beensitting and swilling so long with her guests that even if one had set herafire, she would not have known it. We would have spent the night on thedoor-sill had not Trimalchio's courier come up in state, with ten wagons;he hammered on