The volumes contain about 300 pages, 16mo, each, bound in cloth, with gilt backs.Price 63 cents.
☞ Each volume is complete and independent of itself, but the series will be connectedtogether by a partial identity of characters, localities, &c.
The first five volumes of this series are now ready. They are entitled:
In the department of juvenile literature, the ‘Aimwell Stories’ have fairly cometo rival the ‘Rolla Books’ in the affections of the young people. The author whenhe conceived the plan of the series, struck a vein which he has since been workingwith rich and constantly increasing success.—[Boston Transcript.
One of the best series for the young ever written. Every family of childrenought to have them.—[Chicago Congregational Herald.
They are written with great skill for the tastes and necessities of children, andthey are written conscientiously, with a moral and Christian effort unobtrusivelyoperative upon every page.—[Congregationalist.
A better series of books for children were never written. The author has studieddeeply and accurately the feelings, hopes, and thoughts of youth.—[Boston Mail.
The author of the ‘Aimwell Stories’ has a happy knack at combining amusementand instruction. Under the guise of a story, he not only teaches a moral lesson,which is or ought to be a leading object of every tale for children, but he giveshis readers instruction in philosophy, geography, and various other sciences. Sohappily are these introduced, however, that the youthful reader must learn in spiteof himself.—[Boston Journal.
It is the best series of juvenile books with which we are acquainted.—[North