“Look, what’s coming!” and witha shout of delight the children of Cloverdalevillage left their play andrushed into the street.
What do you think they saw?
A tiny gilded coach drawn by twobeautiful white kittens, with reins ofblue ribbons covered with silver bells,and through the coach window theface of a wonderful doll. On herhead was a jaunty sailor hat, fromunder which yellow curls danced inthe wind as she nodded and smiledat the children on either side.
From time to time she tossed outa handful of bills, which flew aboutlike little white birds and then flutteredto the ground, where they wereeagerly caught up by the fast gatheringcrowd of children, filled with wonderat the amazing sight. They made a[3]brave effort to keep up with the coach;but the driver cracked his whip, thekittens started at a mad pace downthe hill, and with onelast nod and smile fromthe doll in the window,the coach disappearedin a cloud of dust. Thechildren watched it outof sight, then turned togo back.
But what werethese bills which,in the excitement,they had forgottenand were still...