You may never have heard of Choffard andnever have seen his work, but if any productionfrom his hand should be brought beforeyour eyes, however insignificant, and you fail toadmire it, then it is to confess that no artistic cornerexists in your soul!
Of all the vignettists, Choffard is the freshest,most ingenious, and charming. Elegance exists inall his productions equalled, perhaps, by no otherartist.
None act so well a love scene on the stage asthose who love each other in real life, so with allthings and with book writing in particular. Tolove an artist, gives the author a hand unfetteredin dealing with his work; it becomes no longer aforced history of his art, but a work of affectionfree from affectation.
The author of this little book is a true admirerof Choffard and you may accept the contents as afaithful representation of the artist and his work.I therefore trust that after you have perused thepages which follow, if not already an admirer ofChoffard, you will have become one.
Tunbridge Wells.