Denslow's Three Bears

G.W.Dillingham Co.
Publishers New York.Copyright 1903 byW.W.Denslow.
Published, August 1903

To Mazie La Shelle
The Three Bears

A long time ago in a cottage on theedge of a great forest there dwelta little girl by the name of GoldenHair; she was an orphan and livedwith her grandmother who loved herdearly. The grandmother was very oldand so most of the house work wasdone by Golden Hair; but she was soyoung and strong she did not mindthat a bit, for she had plenty of timeto play and was merry the whole daylong.

Although little Golden Hair lived farfrom other children she was never lonesome,for she had many friends and playmatesin the wild creatures of the wood.The gentle, soft eyed deer would feedfrom her hand, and the wild birds wouldcome at her musical call; for she knewtheir language and loved them well.

Golden Hair had never wandered farinto the forest. But one day in the earlyautumn time, as she was gathering brightleaves and golden rod, she strayed fartherthan she knew and came upon a lonely,gray cabin under the mightytrees. A slab of wood besidethe half open door toldwho lived within. It read:

"Papa Bear, MammaBear, and the Tiny Bear."image

"So this is where thejolly bears live!" saidGolden Hair, as she knockedupon the door. "I wantto meet them."

No answer came to her knocking, soshe pushed the door wide open andwalked in.

It was a most disorderly house,but a bright fire burned on the hearth,over which hung a big, black kettle ofbubbling soup, while on the table, nearby, were three yellow bowls of differentsizes.

"A big bowl for Papa Bear, a mediumsized bowl for Mamma Bear, and a littlebowl for the Tiny Bear," said Golden Hair.

"That soup smells good," she went onto say, "but my! what an untidy house!I'll put the place to rights while I am
waiting for the bears to come home.

So she went to work to sweep and dust and soon had the room in order. Then she went into the bed room and made up the three beds: the big one for Papa Bear, the medium sized one for Mamma Bear, and the little one for the Tiny Bear; she bustled and had everything as neat as a pin when in bounced the three jolly bears. For a moment the bears stood speechless, with wide

open eyes, staring at Golden Hair, whostood, like a ray of sunshine in thedusky room; then they burst into loudlaughter and made her welc



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